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Life Update pt.2

So once again it’s been a couple weeks, and there’s been a lot of development in things since then so here we are.

Biggest news: I’ve finally leased a horse!

As of April 29 Penny from the barn I ride at is my foreseeable riding partner. She’s a stocky ex-barrel racer and I love her to bits. Trails are my favourite thing to do, and she’s a bit uneasy out on them by herself so we’re working on it but she does so well.

One of my trainers—a word not entirely fitting but most apt for the point of this blurb—called this morning to let me know that there’s two other horses I can work with if I so please, due to no one else interested in getting them out working and them needing the exercise.

Of course when the time is right I want to purchase, and I’ve been hoping the time will come sooner rather than later, but there is a cosmic plan in motion that will get me to where I need to be when it’s time. Baby steps.

Apparently the horse market has picked up and takem off as of late any how, likelu due to covid in my opinion, seeing as the same has happened with things like camping gear and the like. People don’t seem to understand animals aren’t a spur of the moment boredom buy, but that’s for a different post.

Regardless, I’m getting out to the barn a couple times a week now and I’m more than siked about it.

Currently I’m curled into my desk chair with the emotional support movie of the night on in the background—Ninja Turtles—and pounding my head trying to find something to write.

You’d think with half a dozen active manuscripts going I’d have no shortage of things to work on, but as of late I’ve felt so drained and tired that I’m not in the mood to force out what doesn’t seem to be working lately.

By lately I mean the last good year and a half.

A sorrowfully dismal slump if I’ve ever had one.

But work is well and I’m getting both more relaxed and comfortable in my job, more and more so as I really nail down knowing how to do everything properly. I’ve also nailed down my permanent drink of choice—iced coffee with raspberry and white mocha for anyone interested.

Mum and I finally got our tattoos, and we’re already planning more. I’m trying to figure out how to tell people that it hurts in a good way without sounding like a masochist, but what can I say. It’s true.

This weekend it’s a beach trip to the coast for mother’s day, and as of Monday I’ll be starting the countdown for my visit to my best friends in Colorado.

I’ll actually be leaving them on the same day I left them six years ago, which I have to laugh about honestly.

So much has gone awry in that time and to know some things actually don’t change is a great comfort.

It rained heavily this morning, and then off and on for the rest of the day. It was a comfort and a mood boost, despite the fact my headspace has sunk once more with the arrival of night.

Growing up is an icky and honey-trapped bitch of a thing, and I’m trying my best to figure out what I want.

For now, I’m trying to maintain small goals and minute steps forward, like finishing a chapter here and working on my loping there and remembering to water my plants without my mum’s nagging.

In the least I’m finding small goals to give myself, and for the time being that’s enough. Honestly I think that’s what life just is, but I haven’t experienced enough of it yet to be the best source.

Maybe in a couple decades I’ll get back to you.


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