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Happy Writing Things

I don’t know how many of you have a craft, and it feels weird to think of myself as having a craft, seeing as I’m not yet even a legal adult.

But writing is my craft, I’ve already spent over half a decade working on it, so I think I can confidently say there are days where you’re a grumpy little miserable pile of problems and whatever your craft or hobby or passion is, you can’t think of a single reason as to why you do it.

It’s currently November, which makes it NaNoWriMo, and for those of you who don’t know, that stands for National Novel Writing Month. So during the month of November, the goal is to write fifty thousand (50k) words, or 1667 words a day for thirty days, which is theoretically an entire novel.

If you think it sounds easy I pleasantly invite you to try.

I’ve seen some people count just all and whatever words they write for anything all month, and others, like me, who only count the words they write for their WIP (work in progress).

It’s my third year, and the closest I’ve ever come to completing the challenge is twenty-one thousand some odd words. So not even half way. And this year, as of halfway through, I’m around eight thousand and a half word. See: bad.

So yes, tonight is a night I am feeling discouraged. And I forgot to update in time today, so I broke my streak and now will be unable to earn a few of the badges. A disappointing and unfortunate occasion indeed.

I hope you all have had or will have a better day, depending on your timezone.



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